
About Us

Sigram Construction only use and supply high quality products, approved by the SABS. Our products combined with our excellent and professional services, ensures that we always offer our clients good value for money. By offering the most efficient and flexible service on the market, we are confident that we will increase our customers' profitability.


What We Believe

The Belief System We All Hold Dear At Sigram

We hold the strong conviction that the pivotal elements driving our organization toward its desired destination include customer orientation, community involvement, environmental stewardship, the well-being of our workforce, and a steadfast commitment to quality. We firmly believe that these facets not only define our identity but also shape the trajectory of our future in business.

Customer Focus

Customer needs are paramount and represent a value built into every priority within our business. Our obligation is to proactively seek out and define customer needs while addressing all requests expeditiously without creating false expectations.


Community and the Environment

Sigram Construction is committed to supporting the communities within which we operate and where we live. We believe in the practice of social responsibility and encourage similar behaviour in our employees. We support conservation of the physical environment and the prevention of pollution in and surrounding our locations and proactively comply with all the applicable work health and safety, environmental, legal and regulatory requirements to which we subscribe. Sigram Construction is also committed to equality in employment, opportunity and rewards, embracing wholeheartedly the cultural diversity within the communities we call home.



People form the fundamental fabric through which our business realises its objectives. Our employees’ welfare and interests are foremost throughout all aspects of our business and how we conduct our business. Sigram Construction is committed to:

  • Creating and nurturing an environment of success.
  • Equitable sharing in the success of the company.
  • Empowerment through education, training and communication.
  • Individual growth and equal opportunity.
  • Designing and providing a safe and secure work environment.


Beginning with a clear definition of customer expectations, we strive to consistently meet or exceed them. We adhere to all applicable standards and customer-specific requirements and endeavour to build a system and business that is robust and world class.


Some of the quality brands of products that our team use as they execute projects for our valued customers.